
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day Lessons

Mother's Day has come and gone with the usually flurry of flowers and greeting card advertisements.  I'm sure most Mom's were just as happy with their gifts as I was with mine (Chocolate Breakfast in Bed! Heaven!!!) or the gift I gave my Mom ~ A hibiscus plant she'd been longing for.  But now that they day has past it leaves me wondering about the lessons we learn and the lessons we teach as Moms.

We all have this idealized thought of Motherhood.  The baby sweetly cooing in our arms.  The angelic faces sleeping in their beds.  Visits to Grandma for fresh baked cookies.

And sometimes you do get lucky and show up at Grandma's after baking has occurred.  But who could have envisioned Grandma playing Wii with the Grandkiddies?  Who could have understood the stresses that the Modern World would put on Mother's?

Okay, so maybe it's always been stressful.  Maybe we were warned.  I don't remember a warning... but Maybe.  So how do I as a Mom still teach the values I want my children to have, how do I as a child value the lessons my Mother taught to me?  It's a balancing act worthy of the Circus but it is something I attempt everyday.  Because being a Mother doesn't exclude anyone from being a Child.  I belong to my Mother (no matter my age ~ 37 for those keeping track) and my children belong to Me (no matter their ages: 9, 13, 16 ~ Whew!)

In the End ~ That is the lesson I want to teach.  Belong.  Find where your heart calls home and then Belong. It's so simple, and so indescribably difficult.  To Belong gives you yesterday and tomorrows.  To Belong gives you encouragement and protection.  To Belong is a constant challenge and an amazing reward.

I hope that you find your place to Belong.  Today and Everyday.

Today's Post was Inspired by the Fine Folks at Folk!