
Sunday, November 21, 2010

August 2008: Can I do that?

So, off to work my hubby went with a photo in his pocket.  Don't ask me who he showed it to, how the conversation went, or even how he brought the subject up...Hubby doesn't like recounting actual details.  Yet, by the end of the day his Brother-in-Law~Rod said, "That's just what I need.  I'll bring in the measurements tomorrow."

I HAD been feeling pretty proud of myself until my hubby came home from work with that message.  I wasn't sure HOW I had made my door.  HOW was I going to make another one?  The next night he came home with measurements for not one...but TWO doors!  Rod wanted the doors for his "Man Cave" Shed which doubled as a wood shop.  As if that news wasn't shocking enough...He wanted the doors to feature BEAVERS! (get it? wood shop...beavers? Yeah, it took me a minute too!)

I've grown up in the I'm a bit ashamed to say this but I actually asked my hubby if Beavers and Woodchucks were the same.  Apparently, they're not.  So a quick Google Search later and I had an idea of what a beaver looked like.  Now, Could I Carve one ... I mean two?  Maybe not...Hubby forbid me to use the kitchen as a workshop again.  Instead, he made room for me in his basement workshop.  Have you ever heard that old saying...Give her an inch and She'll take a Mile.  I took the whole workshop!
But at least I figured out what Beavers look like!

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