
Monday, May 21, 2012

Dandelion Delight!

I am sooo excited about my latest screen door creation!  And for so many reasons!!!

Reason #1:
Once upon a time I wanted to try a different style of carving so I headed into the workshop and came out with a cute dandelion carving on barn board. When Hubby came home and saw my adorable carving he wrinkled his nose in doubt..."It'll never sell."  After nearly a year...I was starting to think he was right.  And you know, I was not happy about that!  Was I the only one who could see the beauty in a dandelion?  Just when I'd given up hope I got a message from Sherri asking about the carving.  Hubby is WRONG...all is right with the world!

Reason #2:
Not only did Sherri like the carving but she ordered a door to match! That was like an extra bonus "Ha~See I knew what I was doing" to the Hubby. With over 30 Facebook messages between Sherri and I about this and other projects we were finally able to agree about the design. I began carving and I have to say...I still love the dandelion design. It's so simple but it's such a strong reminder of summer!  I have to admit the project took me much longer than I could ever have imagined but that was because I had some medical drama thrown into my schedule.  Still, I felt awful that it was taking me so long to complete...Until...
Reason #3:
I was just about done with the dandelion door when I watched one of my favorite show's (and Facebook addictions) Junk Gypsies on HGTV.  In the episode that aired Sunday night (Office of Daydreams) they painted a Native American symbol on the screen in a screen door.  Suddenly, I knew why I hadn't finished the Dandelion door yet... So I played around with the concept and I was in LOVE!

Reason #4:
Sherri (the kindest and most patient person ever) had her doubts about painting the dandelion "fluff" onto the screen.  But once she saw the sample pictures... she threw caution to the wind and said, "Let's go for it!"  I love a girl with Spunk!

Reason #5:
I used a simple paint pen to add "fluff" to the screen.  It was simple to do and yet it added so much character and whimsy to the door.  If your going to have a dandelion door it should feel fresh and playful and I really think that I capture that spirit in this door!

There you have it...5 reasons why I found this Dandelion Door Delightful!

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